Kitronik Distributore
Kitronik - Kitronik is a Nottingham based electronics company which specializes in developing project kits and learning resources for schools and home hobbyists. Kitronik aims to inspire and engage people of all abilities to further their knowledge of electronics, coding, and design by offering a well-designed, well-manufactured, innovative product range, and free resources, all backed by detailed product descriptions, knowledgeable staff, and fast delivery. They create high-quality products and resources for education and makers and, as such, stock an extensive range of electronic project kits, components, tools and test equipment, a wide range of materials, and also e-textiles products including conductive thread.
Kitronik categoria di prodotto
Interruttori a pulsante
Assemblee di cavi
Cavi USB
Indirizzabile, Specialità
Schede di sviluppo, kit, programmatori
Schede e kit di valutazione e dimostrazione
Schede di valutazione - Schede di espansione, Sche
Schede di valutazione - Sensori
Scatole, contenitori, rack
Valutazione, recinti del consiglio di sviluppo
Hardware, elementi di fissaggio, accessori
Strutturale, Motion Hardware
Motori, solenoidi, schede driver / moduli
Motori - AC, DC
Prodotti per batterie
Portabatterie, clip, contatti
Costruttore / fai-da-te, educativo
Kit educativi
Kit di robotica